Why are cancer alternative treatments alternative?
The cancer alternative treatments are alternative as well as complementary for the treatment of cancer. These treatments have not been approved by the government agencies. This treatment includes following diet and exercise, manual procedures, chemicals and herbs. Above all this treatment is untested, unproven and unsupported and the reason behind this is that there have no proper testing being conducted for it or else the testing did not bring efficacy. Among the various alternative cancer treatments some of them are useless and unsafe whereas some others disproven treatments are promoted used and sold as well. These kinds of treatments are not based on the experimental testing and are mainly non invasive practices. The alternative cancer treatments are not at all properly conducted, not properly designed using the clinical trials and finally the results have not been published as well.
Terminology behind the complementary and alternative cancer treatments
Complementary as well as alternative cancer treatments are grouped together in the treatment of cancer.
- Complementary treatments are in the time of conjunction with the proven treatment procedures or along with mainstream treatments. This way of treatment is suitable for the patients and does not include any pharmacological effects and is inexpensive as well. The complementary treatment is mainly used for treating the side effects rather than treating the kill cancer cells. Some of the examples of complementary treatments are medical massage and self hypnosis.
- Alternative treatments are mainly used instead of mainstream treatments and some of the popularly used alternative cancer treatments are mind body interventions, restrictive diets, nutritional supplements, bio electromagnetic and herbs.
Category of people who choose alternative treatments
Some of the people believe that the medicine based treatment is ineffective and invasive, the alternative treatments is very effective of these kinds of people. These kinds of people believe that they can improve their health and they are loyal to alternative treatments and they also believe that this kind of treatment will concentrate on the whole person. This will help the patients have a full sense of control over the destinies and the patients will feel less anxiety and reduced depression. These kinds of unproven treatment methods will lower the survival time of the patients. There are some other category of people who believe that they condition is untreatable such people choose the alternative treatments. These treatments will help them reduce the pain and bring smile on their face. Contact us for more details.